Bitcoin Conversion In Google Spreadsheets ========================================= I've been using `Charlie Lee`_'s excellent `Google Spreadsheet Bitcoin`_ tracker sheet for awhile but it pulls data from a single exchange at a time and relies on the ordering of those exchanges on the site, which vary with volume. I figured out I could get better numbers more reliably from bitcoinaverage.com_, which (predictably) averages multiple exchanges over various time periods. They offer a great JSON API, but unfortunately Google spreadsheets only export JSON -- they don't have a function for importing it. None the less I was able to fake it using a regex. You can pull the 24 hour average price in with this forumla:: =regexextract(index(importdata(""),2,1), ": (.*),")+0 If you want that to update live (not just when you open the spreadsheet) you need to use Charlie's hack to get the sheet to think the formula depends on live stock data:: =regexextract(index(importdata(""&INT( NOW()*1E3)&REPT(GoogleFinance("GOOG");0)),2,1), ": (.*),")+0 I've put together a `sample spreadsheet`_ based on Charlie's. .. _Charlie Lee: .. _Google Spreadsheet Bitcoin: .. .. _sample spreadsheet: .. tags: ideas-built,software