Ivy and Stucco -------------- This weekend was full of discoveries involving ivy and stucco and removing the former from the later. Summarizing them we have: 1. **Don't**. Keep them away from one another. If you have a stucco home and your neighbor plants ivy secretly poison it. #. If there is ivy on your stucco, just leave it there. Removing it is not worth the pain. #. If you do remove the ivy, remove it completely. If you pull it off and plan on getting the residual debris later, you're going to find it's dried to a state where it can no longer be pulled off in strands like it can be when green. #. If you've let residual ivy dry to the point where it's brittle, plan on a day full of power washers, long handled brushes, and ladders. Try to drink a lot. Expect to repaint. .. date: 1149397200 .. tags: home,funny