Adding a Subject with Procmail ------------------------------ Lately I've been corresponding a great deal with someone who doesn't elect to use the Subject: line in emails. When responding to this emails my mail application, mutt, uses the Subject line: ``re: your mail``. Mutt also groups conversations into threads using (among other things) the Subject line. So every reply to every person who has sent a message with a blank subject line gets grouped into a single thread when they, in fact, have nothing to do with one another. I decided to create Subject lines for incoming messages without them on the fly using the standard procmail tool. This pair of recipes does the trick: :: :0 fhw * ^Subject:[\ ]*$ |formail -i "Subject: Your email ($$)" :0 fhw * !^Subject: |formail -i "Subject: Your email ($$)" The ``$$`` gets turned into a low number (the process id actually) which is unique enough to keep threads separate. The resulting Subject lines look like: ``Subject: Your email (1024)`` } and have been working quite well. There's probably a way to use a single recipe to catch both cases (blank Subject and no Subject), but I hate procmail's almost egrep and just settled on this. **Comments** ------------------------- Test comment. The girl who refuses to use subject lines is leaving a comment. -- Kate Bauer ------------------------- I updated this idea in `a later entry`_. -- Ry4an .. _a later entry: /unblog/post/2005-02-02/ .. date: 1106546400 .. tags: ideas-built,software