Dorm Apology Ad --------------- On Tuesday some friends and I were talking about how we immaturely approached alcohol back in the dorms, and I was thinking it would be fun to take out a full (or half) page ad in the student paper, The Minnesota Daily, like this: WE LIVED IN THE DORMS. WE DRANK. WE COULDN'T HOLD OUR LIQUOR. Thank you, Resident Hall Facilities Staff, for your service above and beyond the call of duty. We're sorry. [ photo of 5 or 6 people standing soberly and shamefacedly above their name, which dorm they were in, and the years of residence] I've contacted The Daily about getting a rate sheet, meanwhile there are a few questions to be answered: - Is this insulting? Funny or no, I don't want to actually insult the fine residence hall maintenance staff. - How much would folks pay to be one of the people in the ad? Depending on the cost of this thing I might need sponsorship from the other people in the ad. - Would you be interested in being in the ad? You could use a fake name if that changes anything. Hell, you could sponsor someone else. So if I could get a little feedback, it'd be great. Is this funny or just a dumb idea I should let die? .. date: 1099634400 .. tags: funny,ideas-unbuilt